Hello, gig booking friend...

Joining us inside Jazzfuel PRO?

The #1 online community for helping professional jazz musicians like you book more gigs, plan an upcoming release and take control of their career without getting overwhelmed!


This Stuff Can Seem Challenging…

⏩ Finding time to keep on top of gig booking…
⏩ Keeping your creative/business work balanced…
⏩ Preparing and staying on track with album, EP & single releases…
⏩ Getting replies from journalists, clubs, labels and festivals…
⏩ Breaking into the international scene

Ready To Get Help Navigating The Jazz Industry?

We can assume you’re making great music, but what else do you need to do to build a sustainable career?

1️⃣ Figure out what work needs to be done
2️⃣ Do it in the most efficient & effective way
3️⃣ Keep motivated and on track

Hitting all three of those areas alone is a bit like trying to learn to play jazz without a teacher:

It’s possible (if you listen to enough records!) but likely to take longer and get you into bad habits…

The simple goal with Jazzfuel PRO is to give musicians like you access to all the information, tools, resources and personal feedback to achieve that.

Jazzfuel Pro Is Built To Help You...

Book more gigs

For most musicians, this is the #1 priority, and rightly so! Our flagship gig booking course has taught more than 500 international musicians a more effective way to approach and organise this work.

Release & promote music

Releasing new music is an amazing opportunity to get things to the next level with both fans and gig bookings. Organising yourself with press coverage, Bandcamp and other areas needs careful planning…

Work smarter (not harder)

Creating high-level music as well as working full-time on the ‘business’ side of things is unrealistic. Jazzfuel PRO provides the resources and accountability to get the most important work done as quickly as possible.

Grow your industry network

Finding emails of promoters, journalists, labels and other industry people is not hard (we’ll show you that). Learning how to connect, follow up, track and build your network is where the real magic happens…

Who hosts Jazzfuel PRO?

Hi, Matt Fripp here.

As you may know, I start out as a jazz musician, before working full-time as a booking agent and manager. Over the last 15 years I’ve booked more than 2,000 international gigs, managed PR & marketing campaigns for 250+ album releases and worked with artists from more than 30 different countries.

The Jazzfuel PRO community is the place where I spend most days, sharing tips and resources with musicians and answering questions on specific situations.

It’s not just me though. The community features a regular guest session, where I bring other agents, managers, record labels, journalists and other jazz industry people to talk and answer questions.

See what existing members have to say:

Being a member of the Jazzfuel community has given me an accountability group and a second pair of eyes (and so much great feedback) when I’m crafting my pitches and promo materials.

Kristin Korb, vocalist & bassist (US/DK)

"an invaluable resource for navigating the intricacies of the jazz industry, providing indispensable insights, strategies & connections that have empowered my artist to thrive in a competitive landscape"

Lesley Wells, artist manager (SA)

"In addition to offering excellent tools and "how to" information on booking and self management, the Jazzfuel community also provides me with regular doses of motivation"

Michael Kent Smith, guitarist (US)

"The Jazzfuel Pro Community provides accountability and motivation, a library of step by step guides as well as expert advice from coach Matt Fripp and a wonderful network of colleagues from across the globe"
Tokunbo, Singer-songwriter (DE)


Finding time to keep on top of gig booking whilst staying creative is not easy. Neither is planning an album launch and building an audience, whilst working as a musician.

The Jazzfuel PRO community is a one-stop shop to help you grow your career and break into new territories, without the overwhelm.


Ready to take control of your career?

Join the #1 community for professional jazz musicians today and get a 50% discount on your first month using the code jazzahead